Pelvic pain kinetix physical therapy

Pelvic Floor Therapy


Pelvic health physical therapy is the assessment and treatment of various conditions that involve pelvic floor dysfunction or symptoms that manifest in this area.

At Kinetix Physical Therapy, we treat pain associated with Lumbopelvic Dysfunction and SI Joint Dysfunction only.  This includes musculoskeletal pain in the low back, hips or pelvis regions.


Before pelvic floor treatment begins, your physical therapist will take your full medical history and thoroughly discuss your current problems and symptoms.

With informed consent, your physical therapist will perform a complete physical assessment of the joints and tissues affecting the area. Common areas that refer pain include: the abdomen, lower back, hips, pubic symphysis (the front part of your pubic bones) and sacroiliac joint (the joint formed by the sacrum and ilium from your low back to your coccyx).

Based on your examination, your pelvic health physical therapist will work with you to put together a plan of care that is specific to your particular goals, symptoms, and dysfunction.

Since every person has a unique case, it is important that your treatment is customized to address your specific needs.


There are various modes of pelvic floor treatment that are well supported by scientific literature and can be effective as part of your care. Some of these treatment options are:

  • Education: Education is power! You cannot underestimate the importance of knowledge. Understanding the anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor, posture education as well as knowing how to deal with chronic pain symptoms are vital to your recovery.
  • Personalized exercise program: As with other musculoskeletal joints in the body, an individualized exercise program including stretching and strengthening are essential for overall pelvic health.
  • Manual therapy: This is presently the preferred method when treating Lumbopelvic and SI Joint dysfunction. It involves various hands-on techniques such as: stretching, soft tissue massage, joint mobilization and pelvic alignment. It also includes connective tissue, myofascial and trigger point release techniques to the affected muscles and tissue for the low back, hip and pelvis.

If you are suffering from pain in your low back, hip or pelvis, contact Kinetix Physical Therapy in Gainesville or Newberry, FL today! In many cases, our treatment methods can help provide relief and recovery for problems that patients have been facing for years. If your pain is limiting you, contact our office today to begin your path toward long-lasting relief!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Make The Move Towards A Better Life Today!